IROKBOX 2020 the ultimate rock guitar lesson online
Complete Transcriptions and TAB for all examples of IROKBOX ( 64 pages ) and specifications of all famous riffs links etc !included
Documento Adobe Acrobat [18.5 MB]

IROCKBOX PDF includes 

intro minor pentatonic, famous pentatonic minor riffs 1-5 pentatonic minor boxes 1-5
pentatonic minor single string scales,pentatonic minor 2 string scale 
intro Major scale, famous Major scale riffs 1-7 Major scale boxes 1-7
Major single string scales,Major 2 string scale, 
intro minor scale, famous minor scale riffs 1-7 minor scale boxes 1-7
minor single string scales, minor 2 string scale
plus explanations guitars used & links to original song and guitarist equipment etc...


DOWNLOAD THE PDF for 11 euros!!

to my paypal account

and you will recieve the code!!




The IROKBOX is a unique approach to the guitar, 

it has real famous box examples ,for you to understand the neck of the guitar!

and see where the pros and famous guitar stars play the boxes and how they use them!

The IROKBOX shows you the most common Rock scales in a Box concept!

George Harrison for instance used the First Box of the E Major Scale on the song My Sweet Lord ,

while  SLASH on Sweet child o mine by Guns and roses used the 2nd Box of the Eb Major scale!

All famous examples are in the original key! while the Boxes are in G ,to get best overview of the boxes!

IROKBOX shows you the most common scales in rock; The Pentatonic Minor scale,

The Major&Minor scale, All of the scales has a single string scale too!! , do you remember the riff

Thunderstruck, by:AC/DC? that is a single string scale on the B string!

Then i added a two string scale on the last two high strings!

The Boxes needs to be learned all over the neck for fluidity and improvisation!

the boxes are practically the same notes of the scales all over the neck!

the IROKBOX is a very simple concept each box starts from the notes of the same scale!

for example : the G Major scale has 7 notes = G,A,B,C,D,E,F#

starting from the 6th bass string these are the boxes!

the G (1 box) starts on the 3rd fret

the A (2 box) starts on the 5th fret

the B (3 box) starts on the 7th fret

the C (4 box) starts on the 8th fret

the D (5 box) starts on the 10th fret

the E (6 box) starts on the 12th fret

the F# (7 box) starts on the 14th fret

the minor pentatonic has 5 notes

in G = G,Bb,C,D,F

the boxes are

G 3rd fret (1box)

Bb 6th fret (2 box)

C 8th fret (3 box)

D 10th fret (4 box)

F 13 fret (5 box)

you can watch all the videos on-line

slow/fast on every example and what guitar our heroes uses/d!

relating to famous solos,riffs,melodies makes it even more curious and fun

to use the IROKBOX, i hope you will enjoy it as much as i did making it!

Famous Pentatonic minor backing tracks MP3 free download!!
Famous Pentatonic minor backing tracks MP3 free download!!
1 shine on you crazy diamond 2 Mary Had a little lamb
3 Life in the fast lane 4 purple haze 5 La grange
Famous pentatonic minor scale backing tr[...]
Archivio compresso in formato ZIP [6.0 MB]
study backing tracks for the pentatonic minor scale in MP3 free download!!
study backing tracks for the pentatonic minor scale in MP3 free download!!
Pentatonic minor study backing tracks.zi[...]
Archivio compresso in formato ZIP [8.3 MB]

Youtube Playlist IROKBOX Pentatonic Minor scale

Famous Major scale backing tracks in MP3 Free download!!
Famous Major scale backing tracks in MP3 Free Download!!
1 My sweet Lord 2 Sweet child o mine 3 Jessica 4 Bohemian Rhapsody
5 Crazy Train 6 Cliffs of Dover 7 Always with you always with me
Famous Major scale backing
Archivio compresso in formato ZIP [6.5 MB]
Major scale study Backing tracks in MP3 Free download!
Major scale study Backing tracks in MP3 Free download!
Major scale study backing
Archivio compresso in formato ZIP [9.5 MB]

Youtube Playlist IROKBOX Major scale

Famous Minor scale backing tracks Free download !!
Famous Minor scale backing tracks Free download !!
1 Europa 2 Cause weve ended as lovers 3 LAYLA
4 Roundabout 5 Sultans of swing 6 Still got the blues 7 For the love of god
Famous Minor scale backing
Archivio compresso in formato ZIP [8.3 MB]
Minor scale study backing tracks in MP3 Free Download!!
Minor scale study backing tracks in MP3 Free Download!!
Minor scale study backing
Archivio compresso in formato ZIP [9.4 MB]

Youtube Playlist IROKBOX Minor scale

                         KOMPENDIUM DOWNLOAD

complete Transcriptions and TAB
part I Technical Aspects part II SOLO GUITAR Part III DUOS
Documento Adobe Acrobat [64.5 MB]

Im very excited about this nu KOMPENDIUM its a lot of my guitar transcriptions that i did 

also for my students ,bach of course and other classical composers classic and neoclassical guitar stuff plus some nu stuff like transcriptions of JOY & La Danse Du Bonheur from shakti(John Mclaughlin)

with fingerings and TABs my own nu solo stuff!  180 pages in PDF format !! unique odd transcriptions

if you want to download it you can pay me at paypal the cost is 15 euros and you will get the password from me and print it yourself !For an additional 15 euros you get a pendrive sent to your home with background trax and filmclips for example the odd meter exercises!


this is what the PDF contains:

complete Transcriptions and TAB

part I  Technical Aspects - warmups/Modal Scale/Chordbuilder 1-5 /Slonimsky stretch n Go/ The Cube /Odd meter exercises / Arpeggio studies/ Joy / Danse du bonheur ! 

part II SOLO GUITAR  Double (J.S.Bach) Prelude from Lute suite in E minor (J.S.Bach)

Allegro violin sonata in F (Händel) Sarabande from cellosuite in C minor (J.S.Bach) 

Flight of the bumble bee (korsakov) Sarabande from violin partita in  B minor (J.S.Bach)

24 capriccio variations (paganini) sweep Etyd Capriccio 1 (paganini) Moto perpetuo part 1 (Paganini) Allegro vivace finale (Lars Erik Larsson) Adagio from a bassline of (albinoni)

Rattenfänger Hameln (Jurgen Langehein)

Kadens 11 Variations from 24 capriccio chord progression(Mats Hedberg)

Preludium (Mats Hedberg) Labyrintus (Mats Hedberg)

Motstånd (Mats Hedberg Regina Mudrich)  

PART III GUITAR DUOS - Kantat 147 etyd (Hedberg Bach)

Prelude 2 in C minor from wohltemperierte klavier (J.S.Bach)

3 Inventions : Dm C  & F (J.S.Bach)

Prelude in D minor with electric guitar counterpoint (J.S.Bach Mats Hedberg)

Goldberg variation 1 (J.S.Bach)Badinerie in B minor (J.S.Bach) Air from suite BWV 1068 (J.S.Bach) 

Adagio from violin sonata in G minor (Händel) musica ricercata (Györgi Ligeti)

David Freja Svit for 2 guitars no Tab (Mats Hedberg) 

Link Video La chitarra elettrica neoclassica (in Italiano) (the electric neoclassical video on line link)

La chitarra elettrica neoclassica electric neoclassical guitar

la chitarra elettrica neoclassica ( the electric neoclassical guitar) pdf download
paganini bach händel neoclassical frenzy! electric neoclassical guitar complete note for note trascriptions and TAB from 1999 legato staccato virtuoso playing for all levels!
you can now download the pdf book (67 pages) for 6 euros!! to my paypal
please contact me @ and youll recieve the code for the pdf!
In questo video Mats Hedberg affronta in modo molto pratico la musica neoclassica, proponendo una serie di brani ed affidando direttamente alla loro esecuzione la possibilità di imparare, impadronendosi gradualmente delle tecniche necessarie per eseguirli. L’obiettivo è chiaro: offrire la possibilità di avvicinarsi alla musica di derivazione classica (e di riproposizione in chiave elettrica) e di approfondirne la conoscenza tramite l’esec
chitarra elettrica neoclassica booklet.p[...]
Documento Adobe Acrobat [75.7 MB]

In questo video Mats Hedberg affronta in modo molto pratico la musica neoclassica, proponendo una serie di brani ed affidando direttamente alla loro esecuzione la possibilità di imparare, impadronendosi gradualmente delle tecniche necessarie per eseguirli. L’obiettivo è chiaro: offrire la possibilità di avvicinarsi alla musica di derivazione classica (e di riproposizione in chiave elettrica) e di approfondirne la conoscenza tramite l’esecuzione dei brani che diventano, quindi, veri e propri esercizi. Una scelta oculata dei brani, la possibilità di capire come vanno eseguiti, quali sono le difficoltà tecniche per padroneggiarli. La divisione dei brani/esercizi in capitoli segue questa impostazione: Progressioni tipiche della musica neoclassica; Tecniche per l’esercizio della mano sinistra; Tecniche per l’esercizio della mano destra; Brevi ma efficaci esempi di questa musica negli stili di Malmsteen, Blackmore, Steve Vai, Kee Marcello, ecc.; Sintesi della tecnica applicata alle due mani. Starà quindi a noi, eseguendo questi brani, imparare a legare a livelli notevoli per suonare il tema del capriccio n. 24 di Paganini, ad usare la pennata alternata per l’Invenzione n. 4 di J.S.Bach, il delay a tempo per la Cantata n. 147, lo string-skipping per il Volo del calabrone di Rimsky-Korsakov. Di questi e di tutti gli altri brani/esercizi troverete nel dvd sia le basi utilizzate da Mats che le trascrizioni con intavolatura contenute nel file: booklet.pdf.


Tempi dispari odd meter exercises download

FREE DOWNLOAD!! Complete ODD meter exercise backing tracks in MP3 basi per lesercizi di tempi dispari in MP3
Complete ODD meter exercise backing tracks in MP3 basi per lesercizi di tempi dispari in MP3
38 exercises 38 esercizi in MP3 backing tracks basi Mats Hedberg
Guitar on the Left side of PAN BAcking Track on Right Side!
Chitarra sulla sinistra e base sulla destra dell pan!
Archivio compresso in formato ZIP [14.6 MB]
FREE DOWNLOAD! Complete ODD meter exercise backing tracks in MP3 basi per esercizi di tempi dispari in MP3 38 exercises 38 esercizi in MP3 backing tracks basi Mats Hedberg minus guitar
Complete ODD meter exercise backing tracks in MP3 basi per lesercizi di tempi dispari in MP3
38 exercises 38 esercizi in MP3 backing tracks basi Mats Hedberg GUITAR MINUS ONE
Archivio compresso in formato ZIP [11.4 MB]
odd meter exercises esercizi di tempi dispari frenzy
38 exercises of odd time meter metal rock progressive (10 pages)an extremily useful tool in all genres
note for note transcriptions and TAB for 6 euros at PAYPAL
youll recieve the code for the PDF send me an email @
38 esercizi metal progressive rock nota per nota trascrizioni (10 pagine) e TAB,estremamente utile per tutti generi potete scaricare il PDF direttamente qui e pagare 6 euro du PAYPAL account
mandatemi un messaggio e vi do il codice di sblocco a
tempi dispari odd meters.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat [284.4 KB]

DrivVed contemporary solo guitar score download

Foto : Anders Glantz

Listen To DrivVed Here! a contemporary classical modern solo guitar story

DrivVed in 4 movements I II III IV
Contemporary modern solo guitar EBow Electric true temperament guitar Ramirez classical guitar pedals and prepared effects ! a really innovative piece in 4 movements written for Mats Hedberg by : contemporary Swedish composer : Stefan Pöntinen download the score online for 11 euros
PAYPAL send me email to and you will recieve
code to block
drivved LAST DEF code.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat [102.4 KB]

Contemporary modern solo guitar EBow Electric true temperament guitar Ramirez classical guitar pedals and prepared effects ! a really innovative piece in 4 movements written for Mats Hedberg by : contemporary Swedish composer : Stefan Pöntinen download the score online for 11 euros
PAYPAL  send me email to and you will recieve
code to block pdf

Movement I  Cantabile (Classical guitar with a Pedal) 
Movement II  Riflessivo (True Temperament el. guitar with volume swell EBow and prepared effect) 
Movement III Andamento Libero (Classical Guitar with Pedal)
movement IV Moving (True temperament electric guitar ,EBow ,with prepared effect)

Sinfonia J S Bach Arrangement and transcription TAB direct download
from first day of easter by J S Bach transcribed and TAB by Mats Hedberg for classical guitar
Download 5 euro on my paypal account and ill give you the code for direct download here with art whistler Elena Somare´ and Mats Hedberg live on Facebook!!
Sinfonia BWV 4.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat [681.6 KB]

METALBOX MP3 complementary guitar method in mp3

For all of you who bought My Guitar Method METALBOX here under you can download a Zip file with all the mp3 backingtrax with slower BPMs that didnt fit on the METALBOX CD have Fun!! Per tutti voi che avete comprato METALBOX il mio metodo qua Sotto potete scaricare i files aggiuntivi con Bpm inferiore in un unico Zip File !! divertitevi!

Archivio compresso in formato ZIP [57.1 MB]
Mats latest news in an EPK made specifically for concerts and or managers
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Elena Somare´EPK
Download English Electronic press Kit
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Elena Somare´ - EPK
Download Italian Electronic press Kit
MUSIC EPK IT - Elena Somare´.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat [7.9 MB]
EPK - Electronic Press Kit of DuO RARA AVIS Elena Somare' Artwhistle and Mats Hedberg Guitar Extraordinaire & EBow
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© Mats Hedberg